Keif on Keifing On

“THEY ARE MADE WITH KEEEEEF!” I shout through my mask at a patron trying desperately to hear me amid the din of the High Bazaar crowd. “MADE WITH WHAT??” “KEEEEEEEF!” … “Ya know… LIKE IN HASH!”

I am then rewarded with the knowing look and the devilish smile. Aptly named Momma’s Little Helpers, KIEF CHOCOLATES surprise everyone. Not only are they delicious, they pack a big punch in a small package. A little goes a long way, and each chocolate bear comes in at a hefty 17mg. Kief chocolates are great for micro-dosing. Our StrawBEARy Kief Bars are 100mg so by breaking off small pieces, you can discreetly enjoy 10mg doses throughout the day. If you are curious to know more about Kief and how it is made and used medicinally, you can read up on it here:


Love is Love is Love


Humble Beginnings