Harvest Complete
Another outdoor grow season has come to a close. All plants have been harvested, dried, trimmed and are currently curing for optimal taste and smoke. So Hi-fives all around to me …. and basically that’s it. I am a one-woman grow operation. And for anyone who thinks popping a seed in the ground and reaping the rewards is easy, think again.
The time invested in the care of cannabis plants can not be understated. Outdoor grows in particular, open up the possibilty of having precious crops destroyed by all sorts of calamity. Throughout the entire growing phase, each plant, along with each flowering bud needs to be meticulously checked for any signs of potential trouble. Wet weather can be a nightmare. Growers all up and down the East Coast this year reported having a really tough time protecting their crop from bud rot. Fortunately, my plants were started early indoors and were ready for harvest before the coldest, dampest days of “CHOPtober” came to an end.
All in all, a good harvest!. I tried some new strains, in addition to my staple ones, Northern Lights and Maui Wowie. I just can’t quit those two and they are such hi-yield performers. Two of my Northern Lights are actually from seeds taken off of the last Northern Lights plant I grew with Jay. His legacy stays with me still, in every grow. Another new favorite of mine, Sleepy Joe (I hate the name) is a hit. Perfect Indica for relaxation and sleep with a hefty THC content. Once cured, I will test potency and get to rolling up these precious buds!